
Fake news: You are responsible for your media consumption

It's been a pretty incredible couple of weeks (scratch that - months) for the world of journalism. In an increasingly polarised world where emotion trumps truth (pun intended), it's just too easy to silo yourself away in a social media bubble surrounded only by people who share your views, reading only the articles they share, … Continue reading Fake news: You are responsible for your media consumption

Trump, Farage and post-truth Public Relations

[convertkit form=4915559] Strategic Communications: The Science Behind the Art is a practical guide to creating integrated communications campaigns. It’s all about achieving optimum PR outcomes using the PESO model. Check it out. Today, a man who has never held public office became President of the United States of America. He has been declared bankrupt on a number … Continue reading Trump, Farage and post-truth Public Relations

Moving home

I walked around Dublin city and saw a girl with pink hair. For breakfast I had a fry up that involved three different kinds of pork. A couple kissed in the doorway of Stephen's Green Shopping Centre and on Molesworth Street people gathered to remember Jonathan Corrie and protest the homelessness crisis. I felt free, … Continue reading Moving home